Elections 2022: Movement to Fight Electoral Corruption and TSE sign partnership to combat disinformation

May 24, 2022


Marcela Leiros – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The Movement for Combating Electoral Corruption (MCCE) and the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) signed a partnership on Monday, 23, to combat misinformation in the 2022 electoral process. The meeting took place between the directors of the MCCE, Luciano Caparroz Santos, Haroldo Santos Filho and Melillo Dinis, with the president of the court, Luiz Edson Fachin, at the TSE headquarters in Brasilia.

The hearing was attended by the committee’s directors and by TSE’s president, Edson Fachin. (Promotion)

To CENARIUM, attorney Melillo Dinis said that the main agenda of the hearing was to confront false news, popularly known as fake news.

“The goal is to mobilize society around the idea of truth, truth against lies, and truth about the results of the polls. Our assessment is that misinformation is serious for democracy. Therefore, it is the role of civil society, around the idea of a strengthened democracy and an active citizenship, to face these challenges. Just as vote buying violates the will of the voter, so does misinformation and fake news,” he said.

National movement

The Movement for Combating Electoral Corruption (MCCE) is a nationwide network, with headquarters in the federal capital, formed by about 70 civil society organizations that have a long history of mobilization on electoral issues.

“We made, from popular mobilization, Law 9.840, which deals with the loss of mandate for vote buying, and the ‘Ficha Limpa Law’. Since 2018, we are facing the issue of disinformation and fake news,” explained the jurist.

In the North Region, an “arm” of the movement is the Committee Against Corruption, which launched last month, the agenda of actions that will be developed for the electoral process of the general elections of 2022. The initiative started eight years ago with the “goal of proposing norms, performing inspection activities, and promoting educational actions aimed at making the Brazilian political system more inclusive, with clean and transparent elections.”